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Places to Celebrate

My ‘neighbourhood’ has one of the most stunning sparkling coastlines, fabulous pristine beaches, spectacular lake systems and rivers meandering from the rural forest hinterland and mountains down to the coast with numerous villages and towns scattered throughout.

The region covers some iconic holiday destinations – it is a pretty romantic place to visit and stay and certainly to hold your destination wedding from Sunrise and Sunset and every moment in between. 

Looking for some Inspiration –

On top of a mountain or headland: Pilot Hill Harrington, Crowdy Bay Headland, Hallidays Point,
Beside the ocean: Crowdy Bay, Wallabi Point, Old Bar, Seven Mile Forster, Blueys,  Elizabeth, Boomerang, Celito, Seal Rocks
Beneath the branches of magnificent trees. Gloucester, Krambach, Coomba Park, Wingham, Taree, Bulahdelah, Nabiac  
On the shores of a lake or by a river: Manning River, Green Point, Wallis Lake, Smiths Lake, Myall Lake, Harrington.. 
In a vineyard: Jacaranda Estate, Great Lakes Paddock 
Under the sentinel of a lighthouse: Crowdy Bay and Sugarloaf Point
An ancient place of worship, a place of significant heritage: Galleries, Gardens                                                                                 

Our stunning National Parks; Myall Lakes, Booti Booti, Wallingat, Barrington Tops                                                                                               

Any place that has special importance to you both.                                                                                                                                            The family home or in the garden loving created for the occasion.

Kings Creek Retreat, Krambach. Harrigans, Harrington Waters, Tallwoods, The  Green Cathedral Pacific Palms. Wallamba Downs, Nabiac

Every venue is special, however it is my advice that you think about an alternative venue, just in case the weather isn't all sunshine or moonlight.


Alan (my husband) and I have a lovely older style home over looking the river at Tinonee, which is a lovely 'backdrop' for ceremonies … however it is our personal space and so we offer it only for very private occasions. 
20 people are about the maximum number we like to have for private ceremonies.  You will need to speak personally with me, if you wish to hold your celebration at "The Anchorage"… Remember it only takes 5 people to get married; the bride & groom, 2 witnesses over 18 years of age and me; your celebrant! It is the perfect location for that secret elopement. ( see the notes in my home page)

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