Wishing Tree
Wishing Well
Time capsule
A box of Memories
Candle lightings
Water blessings
Tree planting
Anointing with oils
Relax - there aren't any set conventions for you to follow for a Name Giving.
There are no legalities to be maintained.
Naming ceremonies are merely a social convention - but a very important and exciting social convention to celebrate.
It is that moment in time when we formally bestow a name/names upon a new born or occasionally upon older children.
The ceremony is created using music, poems, readings, blessings, rituals, family traditions and of course the 'name giving,' appointment of Godparents/ mentors/ sponsors and acknowledgement of heritage. To invite Godparents/mentors/sponsors to promise their commitment to guide, to nurture, to support the child.
Why have a name giving ceremony?
Perhaps a Religious based Christening or Baptism is not a true reflection of whom or what you are, or what you believe and value, but you would still like to formally welcome your child into the family and community.
I am, though, always honoured to include religion within a ceremony, if that is right for you and your beliefs.
Adoption is such a lovely gift to give a child and a naming ceremony can be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate this profound event in all your lives
Perhaps your ceremony is for older children or maybe to acknowledge the blending of families. Don't ever think that as a young adult, or mature aged person you cannot have a name giving ceremony.
"Recognition, confirmation and transition" can all be a right of passage and a naming ceremony is an ideal way to celebrate that time in your circle of life.
There are so many fabulous and memorable ways, together with symbolic acts for such a special event.